Travel Cost Breakdown: Tanzania

Travel Expense Breakdown: Tanzania

A Comprehensive estimate of travel costs based on current prices

Date of Estimate Creation: 8/28/2023


Data can only be provided for the Next 6 months. The price given is for 1 person.


Economy: $900- $950

Business: $3,500- $4,000

First: $7,500- $15,200

(Months not included Feb-July)


Economy: $1400- $1600

Business: $5,500- $6,500

First: $17,800- $18,800


Economy: $850- $1,100

Business: $4,000- $4,100

First: $7,800- $16,000


Economy: $850- $1,100

Business:$4,000- $4,100

First: $7,800- $16,000


Economy: $800- $950

Business: $4,000- $4,100

First: $7,800- $16,000


Economy: $850- $1,100

Business: $3,500- $4,050

First: $7,800- $16,000

Hotel: per night for 1 guest

January: $14- $300

February: $17- $275

March: $19- $300

April: $17- $290

May: $18- $255

June: $14- $250

July: $23- $420

August: $16- $260

September: $14- $250

October: $14- $300

November: $16- $250

December: $15- $300

Hotel/Resort Recommendations:

The Fairmont and Melia are more expensive, and due to their much higher prices, they are not included in the average price range. Similarly, you can find a number of hotels for much cheaper than $14 a night. One was even listed for under $.24 a night. Please when booking a hotel take your safety into consideration.


Costs of excursions don’t seem to vary much throughout the year so no monthly breakdown will be given.

Safari: $150- $500 per person per day. Tanzania is one of the most expensive safari destinations.

Cheetah’s Rock: $150 per person. You get to pet Cheetahs and other African animals. Do I really need to say more?

Safari Hot Air Balloon ride: $600 per person. It’s exactly what the title says, a safari, but with the added view of a hot air balloon. The ride is between 50 and 70 minutes with the company,

Prison Island: $60- $120 per person. This is a private island tour that lasts 2-3 hours. You will get to enjoy beautiful beaches and play with the turtles.

Skydiving: $450 per person. Take a tandem jump over beautiful Zanzibar! It’s not the most traditional thing but probably one of the most adventurous. As someone who loves skydiving, I highly recommend this.

Snorkeling and Swimming with Dolphins: $55 per person. The trip is a total of about 4 hours and you’ll have the chance to see some of the rarest wildlife in Tanzania while swimming in beautiful blue water. And this is not swimming in some tank with captive dolphins. These are actual wild dolphins.

Maasai Village Visit: $95 per person. A trip to Tanzania would not be complete without a visit to their native tribes. Here, you’ll learn about their unique culture, and participate in some of their customs. Lunch will also be provided.


A monthly breakdown is not given as meal costs may not vary much throughout the year.

Plan on an average cost of $20 per meal, per person.

Total Estimated Price Range for Travel:

Calculated using three meals per day over 1 week, the average cost of all excursions listed (assuming you would book multiple tours), the flight price range, and the hotel price range.

Full price cannot be given for Feb- July due to Flight prices not being released.

January: $3,400- $19,750

(Monthly total not included for Feb-July)

August:$3,900- $23,100

September: $3,350- $20,200

October:$3,350- $20,500

November: $3,300- $20,200

December: $3,350- $20,500

These prices are a range for 1 person and their expenses. Prices can and will change as the year progresses.